
UPCP Studio Space

Located on the 4th floor of the Van Leer building in the central hall room C448, the UPCP Coleman Family Professional Communication Studio is a one-stop location for a plethora of communication and writing needs. From writing and presentation supplies, to expert literary assistance, to practice environments, the UPCP Studio has been designed to not only be a place for students to create communicative materials, but also a space that allows students to feel free to practice their communication skills in a space representative of a professional workspace.

Click Here to Reserve a Room

  • The main studio area also provides multiple workstations for students to use for homework, class prep or getting ready for a big interview.

Current Semester’s Studio and GTA
Office Hours Schedule

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UPCP  Location

UPCP Coleman Family Professional Communication Studio:
Van Leer C 448

ECE 2031 Lab: College of Computing Lab 018